New Price Structure

New Price Structure

From 2023 we’ll be changing our price structure to better align with the level of support that we offer our students. This will ensure we can continue to offer the best possible trainings that we can imagine, keep improving our services to respond to the needs of our students as they emerge, whilst still offering…

Our top tips for finding affordable, amazing quality treatments

Our top tips for finding affordable, amazing quality treatments

If you are currently on a budget and are looking for good value treatments, you can check the prices of your local therapists, and current and ongoing offers. Don’t be worried about booking therapists who offer lower prices, or who have ongoing offers. Every single therapist on our website is amazing (we mean it, look…

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Level 4 of the Certified Therapist Training

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Level 4 of the Certified Therapist Training

Wonderful last day of our Ayurvedic Yoga Massage level 4 of the Certified Therapist training yesterday, so proud of these ladies! The atmosphere was fantastic, some amazing work was done by the Level 4 therapists who got brilliant feedback from their clients (along the lines of “the best massage I’ve ever had!”), most of the…