How much Ayurvedic Yoga Massage do you need?
Clients often ask me how much AYM is too much – really, there is no maximum of how much would be beneficial! Unless you’ve been on a yoga retreat for the past couple of months, in which case, maybe you’re already *really* close to your optimal health. For most of us, that just doesn’t tend to happen.
So, the truth is that most of us would really benefit from A LOT of treatments. But then importantly, as clients, we need to balance our time and funds wisely.
This is what I discuss with new clients when we first start working together. How much do they need the treatments right now? Are we aiming to give a boost towards optimal health and then maintain, or are we working on a specific pain/issue, or are we just adding something to their self care routine to help support their overall wellness long term?
I’ll use myself as an example. In the past 18 months I’ve worked SO MUCH! It’s all been worth it, but self care has not been my highest priority.
Two days ago I received a 2-hour treatment to relax and soften the whole body with Amber. Today we did another two hours of exactly what I needed with Alessio: a bit of warming up/relaxation and then a deeper treatment around the hips and abdomen. My hip flexors, adductors and abductors really benefitted from having a lot of attention! And my digestive system really needed it too, I’ve been taking some pretty potent iron tablets lately.
Because Amber had already helped relax my whole body, and she’d started working on the hips and abdomen, I could really let go and benefit from a deeper treatment from Alessio today.
I’d missed out on my treatments for a while while I was really busy, so now 4 hours of treatments in 3 days felt just perfect. But I couldn’t maintain that intensity of treatments in the long term! I’ll personally probably settle 90-120 minutes per week for the coming 4-6 weeks and also gradually increase the length and intensity of my yoga practice during that time. Then I’ll review based on how I’m feeling in my body and mind at the end of this transition period.
Come over and discuss what you need with us! Our 300-hour training graduates are trained to optimise sets of treatments based on client priorities, and to keep evaluating and adjusting treatments based on your evolving goals ♡