We’re 2019 ready, are you?

We’re 2019 ready, are you?

Don’t you love this time of year? A time to give, a time to receive, a time to make plans for a brand new year. 

2019 for us is about self care. It’s easy to say, sometimes harder to do. We often think of self care as being self indulgent, and this is where it becomes  the last thing on the list to schedule in. So how about starting small, getting into the habit of making time for yourself and see where it goes.

Here is our list that might help you… starting with small daily habits and moving to the big ones that we know we deserve for 2019!

  • Take time to appreciate all the things we have achieved in the week (it is far too easy to only see the to do list and not the done list)!
  • Celebrate and share more of the great stories we hear through all the AYM therapists!
  • Use commuting / travel time  as a “Beauty Scavenger Hunt” finding unexpected beautiful things on the way to work.
  • Moisturise every day, using it as a chance for self soothing massage and a mindfulness practice.  
  • Schedule in 5 minutes of silliness or play time each day (be a big kid! You’ll find us dancing at the office to our favourite song!)
  • In those mid afternoon tired moments inhale an upbeat smell. Try peppermint to boost mood and motivation (it works a treat!
  • Learn a new skill during the year, like training to be a therapist.
  • Visit a new country. If Portugal or Greece are on your list, why not join us for an AYM massage inspired retreat!
  • Take a leap into something new! Try one of our workshops and dip your toe into Ayurvedic Yoga Massage.

For more information on how we can support you in 2019, whether it’s booking a massage or workshop for you or someone else, booking a new adventure or learning a new skill, check out or growing list of opportunities to get AYM in your life!