Hello, I’m Helena. I am an Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist based in Manchester
I first became interested in yoga and massage when I was struggling most with my mental and physical health, midway through a chemistry degree which just wasn’t working out. I was finding it difficult to connect with my own body and to feel present in the moment and the real world. I tried an AYM massage on a whim and fell in love!
Flash forward 6 months, and I’ve left uni to pursue a career in AYM. It’s an amazing healer, and every massage I give as a therapist brings me so much joy.
AYM is about connection. It connects the client to their body, and the client to their therapist.
I have a particular interest in the effects of AYM on my clients’ mental health. Often, I meet clients who are overwhelmed by their careers, social anxieties or mental illness, and with so much stress swirling their minds that they struggle to centre themselves and enjoy life. As the massage quietens your mind and draws your attention to your body and your breath, your parasympathetic ventral vagus nerve is activated, which is an essential physiological method of healing your mental health. Even the simple act of booking in time for self-care can be so beneficial!