My journey into wellbeing started in 2009 with yoga, when aches and pains, especially back and shoulders, were common and I could not figure out what was causing them. Since then, I have been regularly practicing ashtanga, did workshops with wonderful teachers in a variety of other forms, enriching my understanding and allowing to better connect with my own body.

I have since trained to be a yoga teacher and further deepened my knowledge with courses on yoga for anxiety, trauma and restorative yoga. But still there was a missing link to finally free myself from the remaining tension I was holding, and that was massage. Having experienced the power of Ayurvedic Yoga Massage for releasing both muscular and stress-related pain, I trained to Level 4 in 2023 and completed a further specialization in pregnancy and neuropathic pain.

Being a therapist and seeing how helpful I can be to my clients has been a great source of joy, and an inspiration to keep furthering my studies to best support who comes for a massage.

I have a quiet and welcoming therapy room, where you can just find a break from the external world and receive a massage tailored to your needs. I use oils as part of the therapy and will use the most effective blend for you. If you also hold a yoga practice I will happily advise on how it can be integrated in your therapy plan.