
The course with Despina was life changing for me. I had studied other styles of massage for a couple of years before this course, but I was growing to feel quiet disheartened with it all, restricted by the small number of massage techniques available, and restricted by using a massage bed and what that meant for my posture. Ayurvedic yoga massage (AYM) felt completely different straight away: it is done on a futon on the floor, which means we can use different body parts and our body weight to get the most out of our movements and to get maximum benefit for the client. There are also a huge range of techniques and approaches that can be taken, allowing practitioners to truly tailor any treatment to the client and their needs. I absolutely love it and can’t believe how lucky I am that this practice is in my life.

I cannot emphasise enough what a truly amazing teacher Despina is: Her love and passion for AYM is instantly clear and inspiring. The techniques are taught in a thorough, well thought out way, and the teaching is adapted to the students’ pace and learning styles, so that all students can get the most from the course. The resources are also very thorough, and along with the weekly mentorship calls which are available, and the AYM community that you can join once finished, you leave the course feeling well supported.

The location of the course at We Are Wellness in Leeds (also the location of the AYM treatment rooms) is beautiful. I found the whole experience of learning AYM with Despina deeply nurturing, nourishing and, as I mentioned at the start, life changing. Thank you, I am eternally grateful.