Stay with one of us

Stay with Despina:

  • Despina asks for a donation to the costs of the bills and food
  • Sleeping on a futon (or maybe spare double mattress or maybe single comfy sofa, tbc) in the living room
  • Despina has a friendly housemate (just so you know, so one bathroom for 3 people)
  • 15 minute walk, 10 minute drive (depending on traffic can be less, can be more), 10 minute cycle to training venue
  • Quiet pet-friendly (depending on pet and whether pet can be left alone during the day). Definitely no vocal pets, as sound insulation in the building is not great
  • Contact Despina on: 07403262496

Accommodation via our therapists

Accommodation via Avelino

  • The guest rooms at LILAC co-housing project in Bramley: 45 min walk to training venue, 15 minute drive (can be a bit more with traffic).
  • Accept donations 
  • Community kitchen and living room. You have your own private room and shower. 
  • No pets
  • Contact Avelino to see if the guest rooms are available (the earlier the better, as more likely to be available): 07751718898

Accommodation via Sarah:

Far Headingley: 3 bedroom apartment kitchen bathroom and ensuite, parking: 40 minute walk, 10 min drive/ bus journey to training venue

Recommended AirBnBs in the area

These are some AirBnBs where our students have stayed before, and said that they would recommend them:

  • In Meanwood: 10 min drive or 20/25 min walk to training venue.
  • £18 per night (plus £15 cleaning and admin fees added to the final figure)

  • In Burley: 10 min drive or 30 min walk to training venue.
  • £29 per night